SOONSAM 2023 FKBC 40th Anniversary | Page 36

앞으로 기대되는 우리 교회의 40 년 d 2 Exicted and Expect in the next 40 years
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앞으로 기대되는 우리 교회의 40 년 d 2 Exicted and Expect in the next 40 years

EM Pastor Soo Lee 이수현 영어부 목사
Of the 40 years of FKBC , I have had the privilege to be part of it for the past 5 years , and even though it is only a small portion , I thought about what the previous 35 years were pointing to : God ’ s faithfulness and His patience .
I could not help but see God ’ s faithfulness as I thought about the church being established and sustained these 40 years . Yes , there were many faithful members of the church , who are still here today , that have given their time , energy , and resources for the church but at the end of the day , it is not a man that builds and sustains the church , God does . God does use His faithful servants to build and sustain His church , which is amazing given the fact that God doesn ’ t need us to do so , but graciously uses us .
In light of that , I see God ’ s patience towards us . While we may be faithful and sacrifice much for the church , we are still Christians who need to be sanctified more and more . This means that we could be obedient in building and sustaining the church the way God wants it to be done or we could be obedient in building and sustaining the church the way we want it to be done . If we ’ re to be honest with ourselves , we have probably leaned towards more in wanting to be done our way , instead of God ’ s way . But despite our , at times , wrong motivations , God is patient and gives us moments , times , and seasons to reflect , confess , and turn back to Him as He sustains His church . And I believe the way God does so is through the preaching and teaching of His Word . I look forward to God ’ s faithfulness and patience over the next 10 , 20 , and 40 years .
As the EM pastor , I look forward to what the EM will be like in the coming years , and I pray that the EM will be a congregation that is grounded more and more on the Word of God . I pray for the EM to be a congregation that delights in God ’ s Word because they love God . I pray for the EM to be a congregation that measures and lives their lives according to God ’ s Word . I pray for the EM to be a congregation that doesn ’ t lean on their own understanding but on God and His Word . I pray for the EM to be a congregation that has depth in their knowledge of God ’ s Word , depth in their relationship with God , depth in their relationship with others , and depth in how they live their lives according to God ’ s Word . I pray that the EM will be a congregation that is deeply in love with Jesus Christ as we live our lives in obedience to Jesus as our Lord .
And I pray that I , as the EM pastor , will be faithful in the preaching and teaching of the Word of God and in the shepherding of the EM , however long God desires to use me as His servant at FKBC , for His glory and the good of others .
Soli Deo Gloria
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