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"Taking a trip to see Lucius in Philadelphia was the perfect start to my summer. I was introduced to a new band out of Portland, Oregon, Pure Bathing Culture, and I got to see a great performance from both groups."

-Randi on seeing Lucius

Walking in, all emotions were amplified of complete and total power. It was as if there was nothing in the world you couldn't do. Time seemed to stand still, but at the same time, it was as if time was in a race it could not win. Everything seemed to be moving in hyper speed but individuals were in slow motion. It was the best feeling one could experience, and it was The Chainsmokers.

Quick tip for finding the best gelato, avoid any gelato place that has its gelato piled high in glass cases with lots of toppings decorating the top. That’s just to attract a unknowing tourist’s eye! Stick to plain displays or even these round covered basins if you’re extra lucky.