something to the effect “If it commands attention it’s culture, if
it matches the couch it’s art.”
What is one of your goals as a tattooer?
Many collectors prefer to acquire a lot of work from a variety
of tattooers; I think that path is great and can yield wonderful
outcomes. However, as a tattooer one of my goals within this
limited lifespan is to work on as many single canvases as possible.
I would prefer to have more tattooing done on fewer people as
opposed to many tattoos scattered across a myriad of people.
Do you divide the body in anatomical stations for
I consider a collectors body to be one canvas however when
designing it helps to separate the forms into the primary and
secondary planes. For example the back, from the base of the
neck to the back of the thighs is considered one primary plane.
The arms are secondary planes themselves having several tertiary planes. A good reference book on this matter is Bushido by
Takahiro Kitamura.
Tell us about one or two of you favorite/inspiring
tattoo artists
Two tattooers that have influenced me beyond measure are
Tamotsu Kuronuma and Marcus Pacheco: Kuronuma for his
sense of scale and dynamic flow and Pacheco with his structural
black, textures, and profoundly