The Fine Art of Three Dimensional Canvases
Tattooing was once considered the preserve of a “closed society”
and often associated with all kinds of nefarious elements of a
variety of subcultures, from savage Polynesians to rebel merchant classes, to criminals and bikers. It has since passed through
entire social levels, including the elite and royal classes. Indeed,
it is believed that back in the 1800’s intricate tattoos were once
very much the preserve of the upper classes in England, even for
women. Since then, tattooing has proliferated over time periods
as symbols of cultural movements and generational ideas.
Those who make a life choice and decide to be part of the
core of this culture are the clients of Analog Tattoo Arts Kolectiv
(ATAK)—one of the most interesting and creative spaces to get
a tattoo in the Bay Area. A great example of the work this group
of tattoo crafters have developed over the last decade is their
self-published, colossal book, BLOODWORK: BODIES Vol.1&2,
which is an accumulation of projects the group has put together
over a decade. It is encompassed of well balanced, meticulously
worked ink with precise details and interesting shapes. These
crafters acknowledge the permanence of their work and their
clients become a work of art.
We sat down with one of SF’s most impressive tattooist:
Adrian Lee, a member from the exclusive workspace ATAK, who
explains how he carefully works on building a long-term trust
relationship with his clients while planning his ink work (art) on
the canvas (the body) and considering the human body as isolated planes to create a harmonious and well balanced positive
and negative space composition.
How long have you been tattooing and what is ATAK?
I’ve been a practicing tattooer since 1993, working in the Bay
Area since 1995, and am a contributing member of ATAK. In
San Francisco we operate on a appointment only workspace that
does monthly exhibitions of works by various artists. In addition
to the workspace/gallery we self-publish editions on the craft.
What is a tattoo?
That seems like a simple question but its difficult for me to
answer. Basically its a transient mark; no different then that of
a meteor hitting earth. I tend to view the human form as one
single canvas and that, no matter how many tattoos you have,
at the end of the day you only have one body thus one tattoo; a
single canvas.
If you look at a painting, you are looking at a flat canvas, but a
tattoo is like looking at a painting on or in a single three-dimensional canvas; except the canvas is living.
Tattooing that is culturally relevant and aesthetically specific
is what excites me. Put craft and culture together: it makes art.
Or maybe how Robert Williams stated it better when he said