be representative, and at the same time constitute a coherent come up with the names.” This strategy yielded truly original
narrative. “Fabien thought it was a fabulous idea to work with results. A dual-intensity eye shadow palette called Dead of
Steven, the whole process was really smooth. He created all of Summer contains four wet-dry shadows, including three new
the packaging, the keepsake boxes and the logo.” The unique limited-edition-shades named by Klein: a golden toned Studly,
packaging was very carefully thought out. The most risqué con- a rose-bronze Stag Film, and a dark slate Blackmail. Another
tainer is without doubt the Full Frontal box, which contains a eye set called Tearjerker exploits the theme of cinematographic
set of kabuki brushes. The outer sleeve is plastered with a photo emotion with two new limited edition kohl liners, Tragic and
of a scantily dressed male pole dancer, and the inner keepsake X-Static, as well as a mini Audacious Mascara. This is a good
case bears a close-up image of a man in a studded thong. It’s per- example of how thoughtfully Nars integrated appropriate existfect for display on a vanity, or even for storing cigarettes, which ing products into this collaboration, as the Audacious mascara
happen to be a frequent prop in Klein’s photos. The most collect- gives an intentionally clumpy effect that is well suited to the
able item would have to be the An Abnormal Female Lip Pencil “tearjerker” theme. The name of the Magnificent Obsession
Coffret, a large gold and red bullet-shaped container, an objet Red Lip Set may reference the classic romantic film starring Jane
d’art in its own right, containing three Velvet Matte Lip Pencils Wyman and Rock Hudson, but it could also describe Nars and
in Sex Machine, Dragon Girl, and 413 BLKR, which Nars aptly Klein’s shared fascination with a dramatic red lip. It contains a
refers to as “weapons of seduction.”
new limited edition Velvet Lip Liner in Misdemeanor, a classic
Francois Nars is infamous for the edgy and evocative moni- red, a lipstick in Flamenco, a candy-apple shade, and a Velvet
kers he gives his products, which run the gamut from the Matte Lip Pencil in the universally flattering Mysterious Red.
This brings us to the formulas. The Velvet Matte Lip pencils
titillating, such as Orgasm, Deep Throat, and Pussy Galore, to
the exotic and obscure, such as Peloponnese, Euphrate, and are indeed both velvety and matte. They go on smoothly, but
Kamchatka. This time, he left the nomenclature reins to Klein: have real staying power, and the advantage of more precise appli“Because Steven has such a world of his own and an intellec- cation than a lipstick. The most wearable award goes to Killer
tual vision of his imagery, I thought it made sense for him to Shine lipstick, a new formulation that is creamy and glossy, with