A practical person, good at making matter
obey him. It’s easier for him to understand
Not a follower in any way. He’s not really
material objects than people’s motivations.
a leader either, just very independent and
marches to his own drummer.
He has a tendency to give orders to others.
He has a sensuous relationship with the
tools of his trade. The best gift you can give
this guy is a useful tool that feels good in
At least others think they sound like orders
– he thinks he is just being clear and is very
his hands.
surprised that other people get offended
because he’s “ordering them around.”
He will repurpose objects in very unusual
and creative ways. He can probably find a
hundred and one uses for a paperclip or a
coathanger, but he’s particularly good and
creative with weird stuff.
Deeply loving. A romantic, particularly in
his thoughts. Was – or would like to have
been – promiscuous in his teen years. Once
he reaches adulthood, however, love is
much more important than lust and he
will find himself monogamous.
He’s not much of a traveler. If forced to
travel, he will seriously overpack. He likes
His deeds are kindly meant, with a strong
wish not to disturb others. However, due
to his independence of action, this often
doesn’t work out the way he intends.
having all his creative materials around
him and his creativity is physically expressed, he is a maker.
A good strong constitution is shown here. There
He has quite a collection of things to make
will be little sickness in his life and lots of energy.
things out of. They give him inspiration
He doesn’t understand the limitations of others regarding how long they can work at some-
and joy.
Not much interested in money or fame.
thing since he has more physical energy than
He just likes doing and making and is very
most of the people around him and, for him,
good at it.
that’s “normal”.