SOMA Magazine SOMA Film and Music Issue Aug 15 | Page 86

Urbanite The Audacity of Jean-Charles Boisset text by teresa rodrigUez The stage is set. It’s opening night of Festival del Sole and Jean- but it’s unbreakable, reusable, recyclable, and lightweight. The Charles enters Castello di Amorosa like he owns it. He might as success of the “smart bottle” was followed by his creation of the well, since he already has 25 wineries around the globe. Walking octagonal-shaped packaging with screw-top closures. His inspithrough the courtyard, drawing guests to him like a magnet, his ration for that packaging was from an eggshell. “The eggshell presence surpasses the shine of the metallic tuxedo jacket he is only 7% of the total weight of the egg—it is the most efficient wears. There’s curiosity and mischief in his piercing blues eyes packing of all time.” Once again, the unraveling of discovery that and his Cheshire Cat grin gives the impression he knows some- created a breakthrough in the wine industry. thing that the rest of us don’t. Part of what drives Jean-Charles is his love of exploraOriginally from Vougeot, Burgundy, France, where his par- tion. “I have always been interested in the eras between ents founded a winery in 1961, he arrived in the United States 1300 - 1600 AD, when we thought the world was flat—but we as a naïve eleven-year-old. “Before coming to America, I would were wrong. This is a reminder that there is more space for fantasize that the American way of life was amazing and filled imagination, exploration, being spontaneous, and dreaming.” with possibilities.” Then, he landed on the ripe, fertile soil of Jean-Charles shares. Napa Valley and experienced a profound cultural shift that lead As for his perception of reality, he does not see the world him on his path to his remarkable success. “Reality exceeded my like the rest of us mortals. “I adore discovering other ways expectations! Indeed, America allows you to dream, anything to see and experience. I am a big fan of Surrealism.” In some is possible here! So, I took advantage of the wonderful gift of odd Surrealistic ideology, Jean-Charles challenges his thinkfreedom and exciting opportunities and I haven’t stopped yet.” ing constantly. “It’s all about interpretation. The way I see a An alchemist of the senses, Jean-Charles can take the ordi- tree is not the same way that you see a tree. That fascination is nary and transform it into a mind-blowing experience. To him, constantly giving me other glimpses on how the world works.” sound, taste, touch, smell, and sight are dancing muses he enjoys Jean-Charles contemplates. choreographing. A glass of wine is not just liquid; it is the intiIt is his continuous rumination that enticed him to design mate history of the grape vine, the sound of warm wind through jewelry. “The jewelry is an experience of what I feel, see, and its delicate leaves, and the taste of joyful moments when the experience. First, the jewelry was born because I wanted to have elixir finally wets one’s palate. Every glass has a story and he an adornment on a bottle of wine that I could keep forever. Wine is a master storyteller. “My ultimate objective is to enlighten, is a memory. Plus, men don’t have much for adornments. I won’t surprise, and to take people to a place where they thought they get a tattoo, so it is a great way to express who you are, and still be would never go.” He has the ability to harness ideas, experiences, elegant. It represents what I want to wear—each piece has a deep and moments like they were wild horses at his beck and call. meaning entrenched in what I strive to enjoy: all-encompassing A mercurial entrepreneur, he lives on the sharp edges of risk- nature, earth, the galaxy, precious metal, gemstones, pearls, and taking. “I have never been bored. I am always curious to see ideas of the mind.” He continues. where creativity will take me—usually beyond unlikely realms. The interview concluded with a two-word question: “Any I seek out extremes.” He continues to turn the conservative regrets?” He paused, and then answered in hushed tones, wine industry upside down with his innovations and radical “Sometimes the regret I have is to do the obvious. I will changes. One such invention was the “smart bottle” used for leave at that.” his Yellow Jersey wine. Sure, the bottle is made out of plastic, 84