SOMA Magazine SOMA Film and Music Issue Aug 15 | Page 40
The Alchemists
Michael Canale
text by Karena Gupton aKhavein
Who doesn’t believe in the transformational power of good hair and makeup? In Hollywood, this idea is taken up a notch:
beauty professionals are true magicians, who hold the power to contribute to a star’s mystique. They become celebrities’ best friends and confidants and are elevated to the position of legends in their own right. SOMA catches up with
Michael Canale and Ida Gal-Csiszar, two veteran industry insiders in Los Angeles who have perfected the science of beauty.
Michael canale
What do Jennifer Aniston, Shakira, Penelope Cruz, and Heidi
The one constant in Aniston’s hair, which is a testament
Klum have in common? They entrust their enviable heads of to Canale’s talent, is the appearance of health and shine, and
hair to Michael Canale. The go-to colorist for a long roster of the fact that the color is always natural, never brassy or dull.
celebrities has been working in Hollywood for thirty years. He Aniston’s trademark shade, a caramel tone that oscillates
believes that a large part of his success stems from the fact that, between brown and blonde, also known as “bronde,” may look
unlike some colorists, who take a more loose, artistic approach artless, but it is actually quite challenging to achieve. Canale
to mixing and applying hair color, Canale prides himself on explains that it helps that he specializes in corrective color, excel“being conscious and organized.” Indeed, Canale is a scientist ling at “a technique specially designed to lighten or darken hair
by training and appears to remain one at heart. Starting off his without producing warm tones.” Also, the perfectionist insists
trajectory as an engineer, he eventually changed course: “Due on using foils, never balayage, as the result is more precise and
to the layoffs in engineering in the late 70’s, I decided to refo- more subtle, easier on the hair, and infinitely more consistent.
cus,” he explains. A chance meeting with “a girl who worked at With Aniston, he will often highlight more heavily along the part
John Peter Salon” introduced Canale to what would become his and around the face while leaving other sections darker, but only
passion: “the technical side of the industry and the chemicals.” slightly so: no ombré or visible roots here. Again, “natural” is
Though the earliest years of this new career were spent partly the key word: despite the Hollywood stereotype of extremely
on New Wave music video sets, and on creating the extreme blonde starlets who must eventually resort to extensions due to
looks that went with that genre, meeting glamorous yet natural the breakage brought on by bleach abuse, Canale favors a less
stars such as Farrah Fawcett and Morgan Fairchild marked the harsh look that brings out a woman’s beauty while respecting
beginning of Canale’s preoccupation with maintaining healthy the integrity of the hair, gradually blending in subtle highlights
strands and his focus on preserving the integrity of the hair.
and avoiding all over color whenever possible. Many of Canale’s
Talented as he is in his own right, Canale thrives on working clients, inspired by the beach lifestyle, are interested in pursuing
with others. As he quips, “teamwork makes the dream work!” a naturally sun-lightened look, and according to the colorist, this
He regularly partners with stylists such as Byron Williams and can be achieved with minimal chemical bleaching, harnessing
Enzo Angileri, but legendary haircutter Chris McMillan, who has the sun’s rays to naturally lighten ends without excess oxidation
worked on some of the industry’s biggest stars, and with whom or breakage.
Canale once owned a salon in celebrity-heavy Malibu, may well
Though he is a seasoned globetrotter, with frequent travel
be his favorite collaborator. “I love working with Chris McMillan- between clients in Paris, London, and Gstaad, and maintains
he makes the most beautiful haircuts, and allows me to enhance a monthly schedule that regularly sees him rushing between
them. I’m sure he feels the same way.” McMillan and Canale New York, Washington DC, and San Diego, copious amounts
have collaborated for twenty years on the holder of the most of sunshine, and the celebrities for whom his services are in
consistently admired head of hair in Hollywood: the aforemen- high demand, ensure that Canale’s base remains firmly in Los
tioned Jennifer Aniston, she of the most preternaturally perfect Angeles, between his flagship salon in Beverly Hills and a freshly
tresses in the business. Since co-creating the infamous “Rachel” opened new space in Pacific Palisades. “Hollywood is the most
style, a layered cut enhanced by face-framing and illuminating iconic location in the world for a hairstylist or a hair colorist,”
streaks, the duo has continued to take Aniston through several he enthuses.
permutations of the signature look, keeping it current via changing lengths and subtle variations in shade.