SOMA Magazine SOMA Film and Music Issue Aug 15 | Page 25
A free thinker, but has some difficulty
She is very very good at getting her way.
expressing exactly what she means. Her
Because of her external appearance of
thoughts can be so far out the box that she
fragility, people will want to help her.
can have trouble telling others about them in
a way that they can understand what she is
choose and steer the direction of the
talking about. This causes a certain amount
help she accepts.
Delicate on the outside, but is steel on
the inside, a true iron butterfly wearing
velvet gloves.
A collector of many things, especially the
of loneliness throughout her youth.
unusual and the fragile.She likes things
that have histories and tell stories to
her. She spends time touching them,
enjoying them and listening to their
stores.She collects fragile people
too – they trust her because of the combination of delicacy and strength.
This is someone who reaches for worlds
beyond the mundane. A strong dreamer,
who dreams further afield than most people.
There is a certain delicacy of touch
shown here in this hand. This person
respects the inherent integrity of both
objects and people and takes care not to
damage them or displace them.
She has a tendency to fall in love with odd
people. It will not be until later in her life that
she learns how to tell the difference between the
kind of oddness that is interestesting and suits
her and the just out and out peculiar ones
She will find her tribe eventually, but not in the
place and culture she is now. She will have to
Has quite a temper. Do NOT take her
step outside of her own culture in order to find
stuff. Do NOT mess with her stuff. Do
like-minded souls.
NOT even breathe on her stuff without
permission or she will go ballistic!
She has not yet come in to her peak of power. She
There is a strong trauma here. She appears to be
Her body is much more delicate than
will be a force to recon with when she reaches
in the middle of it now, trying to find her place in
her mind. She really needs to pay more
her prime ad figures out the best way to
the world, in society and in subcultures. Nothing
attention to her physical health than
personify her strength and beauty.
quite fits because she is more ahead of her times
she is currently doing or it’ll catch
while young than others around her. The pain
up with her. Her mind has far more
comes from not yet being to find her people,
stamina and can keep running longer
her tribe.
than her body, so she needs to consciously
stop and rest.