SOMA Magazine SOMA Fall Fashion Issue Oct 15 | Page 27

A little bit too far outside the box to accumulate wealth and fame in the mainstream Things do not always follow her plan, arena. Conversely, they will appeal greatly both in life and in art. Fortunately, there to those who are independent and unique is a great ability here to work with seren- thinkers themselves and will achieve suc- dipity. Some of the best she produces has cess in that realm. This is NOT someone come out of happy accidents. (As well as who should try to appeal to mass market- some of the worst, but she knows where ing – there is no place for her in Walmart, the garbage can is and isn’t afraid to use.) none whatsoever. 4 Wildly creative. Will create many pieces as the first part of creativity, then keeps and She doesn’t wait to see what others are doing, but goes her own way and creates from her own source of inspiration. May refines the ones she thinks will work. accidentally find herself in a leadership position. Not because she wanted to lead, but because she went her own way and some people decided to follow her. 3 11 Dislikes sweat, grease and heavy machinery and will always get someone else to handle the stinky dirty stuff. Passionate in love – when she comes up for air and notices her lover. She can get 7 so engrossed in what she’s doing that she 9 will periodically forget about people and passage of time. 8 5 Collects beautiful things and uses them in her creations. Anything that truly strikes her eye and appeals to her aesthetic sense will be kept and used as inspiration. Thus, 10 1 always needs more storage space! 6 Not brave in a physical sense, but has great courage in the integrity of her creativity. There she will march to her own drummer and not count the cost. 2 Physically she will have great energy until This person startles easily and probably her 40’s. At that time, forgetting to eat and should not be riding a motorcycle for her sleep will begin to catch up with her and safety and the safety of those around her. she will have to pay more attention to her body and its needs. A unique conversationalist, though not always easy to follow as she makes wide and sudden turns of subject and thought. 25