SOMA Magazine SOMA Fall Fashion Issue Oct 15 | Page 22

Style Beauty is Boring Robin Black TEXT BY JENNIFER RICHARDSON-MOULAISON PHOTOGRAPH BY ROBIN BLACK There’s beauty in simplicity. Or is it the other way around? Robin Black, a notable and seasoned creative force in makeup artistry is the author of the distinctive blog, Beauty is Boring. There she provides a literal, dictionary-derived definition of beauty, describing it as “The quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or pleasurably exalts the mind or spirit.” Suffice it to say, this sterile explanative negates the complexity that is the concept of beauty in today’s society, which is precisely the point for Black’s blogging endeavors. Through image after image of artistically composed faces, Black uses cosmetics as her medium for a bold commentary on beauty. With a sporadic compilation of subjects ranging from musicians to actors, models, friends and even strangers, her photographic story is told with modernity and relevance. Her images reflect anything from seasons to mood, and essentially whatever her hands feel like doing in the moment. Black’s blog also includes a section titled “27 Seconds” which features a series of simple, yet oddly arresting videos. For instance, one 20 such video portrays a glittering face making subtle movements and expressions; another shows bright paint cascading down clean, ivory skin. Black is a highly sought-after creative force. Her work has been shown in Vogue, Elle, Allure, Interview, Vanity Fair and Harper’s Bazaar, and she has participated in several prestigious New York Fashion Week shows, including DVF. Beauty is Boring is unique in that it is a platform for her personal work. For those who enjoy engrossing themselves in imagery that depicts beauty in varied, unique and rare forms, it’s well deserving of your attention. How did you initially find the correlation between beauty as a medium for art as you use it? It had never occurred to me that “makeup artist” was an actual career until a friend pointed out that, since I was interested in fashion, photography and painting, maybe it would be a fun way to pay the bills.