SOMA Magazine SOMA Fall Fashion Issue Oct 15 | Page 12
Future Stars Of Fashion
Divino Man
With advertisements reminiscent of Kenzo and Michael Kors of flamboyance and divine class make Divino Man unlike
and an eye for vibrant, eye-catching hues, Adam Zaka, the head any other men’s label. Zaka’s ideas are forward-thinking and
of Divino Man is starting to make waves in the fashion world. match the changes expected to occur in the fashion world in
Turning against the current rave over minimalist aesthetic, he the next decade.
has strayed into the unknown territory of bright patterns and colThe deep necklines and vivacious colors add an air of femiors for menswear. His feminine fabrics and cuts blur the socially ninity, but this is intended. His brand’s name, Divino Man,
constructed lines of gender.
comes from his aspiration to promote divinity and the essence
Growing up in Texas, Zaka considered himself a “complete of what a real, authentic man is to him. Although the name is
social outcast.” Although popularity may have been the defini- seemingly antonymic from the feminine aesthetic of his line, his
tion of success in high school, he knew that his knack and passion definition of masculinity doesn’t necessarily match society’s. “I
for the arts would lead him to something bigger than being on was really tired of growing up, living in a society where you have
top of an institutionalized hierarchy. Fueled by the aspiration to to live with a mold around yourself. And while I walked around
do better, he moved to Los Angeles in hopes of finding an area freely I still felt like I was caged, and trying to live this ideal of
of visual creativity, in which he could thrive. Modeling and film what it means to be a ‘macho man’ or masculine. The image
came first, and being in front of the camera taught him a thing or that is out there is something I don’t relate with. I feel as if it is
two about visual based industries. A comedy television pilot he dispassionate, not connected, fake and not authentic, at least to
produced and starred in, Christian Vain, humorously displayed me and how I express myself as a male.”
his theatrical abilities and satirically foreshadowed the direction
Much of his thinking comes from profound, philosophical
he was headed in next: fashion. Although the main character is teachings, especially that of Jung’s animus and anima. His
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