SOMA Magazine SOMA Fall Fashion Issue Oct 15 | Page 10

Future Stars Of Fashion 69 TEXT BY MELISSA EPIFANO Gender, race, age, and size are insignificant to the creator of 69. These traits are meaningless when it comes to fashion, according to the fashion label, so meaningless that the designer hasn’t even released his or her own identity. While this may come across as shocking or peculiar to some, it also raises the question of why these factors are so important to us when it comes to pieces of clothing that we wear. Problems can arise when people are more invested in who is designing their clothes than the quality or craftsmanship of the garments—a point that this designer made clear in an interview with VICE magazine last year. “For example, if I didn’t know anything about a band that I was in love with, I wouldn’t give a shit. They make music I like, so what else matters?” What people find attractive and like has been smothered by cultural norms and expectations, a perspectiv