English theater

The students of 4th, 5th and 6th grade went to the Lloret Theater to see a play in English. The play is called Young Arthur and belongs to the Blue Mango Theater Company.

The play tells the story of a young man, Arthur, before being crowned king and his brother Kay and magician Merlin.

The days before the performance, at the English class we learned some things from medieval times, such as the jousting tournament, the equipment of a knight's armor, etc.

It was an entertaining play, it made us laugh, with a lot of music and songs. Two students e went on stage to perform a knight’s fight! It was so funny!

Els alumnes de 4t, 5è i 6è vam anar al teatre de Lloret a veure una obra en anglès. Young Arthur és el nom de l’obra i pertany a la companyia Blue Mango la qual fa diverses representacions en anglès pera nens i nenes.

L’obra que vam anar a veure tracta de la història d’un jove, Arthur, el seu germà Kay i el mag Merlí.

Abans d’anar a veure l’obra, a les classes d’anglès vam treballar continguts de l’època medieval, com les festes típiques, les parts de l’equipament de l’armadura d’un cavaller, etc.

L’obra va ser entretinguda, ens va fer riure, i hi havia molta música i cançons. Fins i tot, dos estudiants van sortir a l’escenari i van representar una lluita de cavallers. Aquest moment va ser molt divertit!