2020 2021
20202 2022 2023 cultural values ,” says Dr Bowyer .
“ You can ’ t readily achieve solutions without involving communities in the research process and tapping into their knowledge and expertise .”
What Dr Bowyer sees at the local level in places such as Mukuru is similarly played out in the global community and goes part way to explaining why climate scientists have struggled to have their messaging acted on . She says change-makers need to engage in twoway conversations and that ultimately means change , too , must flow both ways . In other words , the change-maker also needs to experience their own ‘ transformative realisation ’ typically arising from participating in – not just directing – the learning processes .
“ You need to go deep and engage with people ’ s lived experience .”
Change-makers need to engage in two-way conversations and that ultimately means change , too , must flow both ways .
– Dr Cressida Bowyer
September 2022
Professor Steve Fletcher , Director of Revolution Plastics at the University of Portsmouth , is announced as the Editor in Chief of Cambridge Prisms : Plastics .
STEPP Community Champions , artists and Mukuru Youth Initiative staff . From far left Sadat and Fralee Bolo , Dennis Weche , Kelvin Mboya , Igwe Kenya , Bridgit Atieno , Dr Melaneia Warwick , Peris Saleh , Daisy Abwao , Wandia , Hadale Wario , and ( squatting ) Nelmo Munyiri ( CEO MuYI ). PHOTO : JULIUS WAINAINA