2020 2021
20202 2022 2023
January 2022
Professor Steve Fletcher gives evidence at Parliamentary Select Committee plastic waste enquiry .
January 2022
Microplastics Research Group is formed , led by Dr Fay Couceiro .
March 2022
Landmark resolution is reached at the fifth UNEP ( UNEA 5:2 ) in Nairobi , to develop an international legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution .
March 2022
New enzyme that has capacity to help break down terephthalate ( TPA ) is developed at Portsmouth .
March 2022
First annual World Plastic Summit in Monaco is chaired by Professor John McGeehan .
May 2022
The University ' s Centre for Enzyme Innovation opens its new Industrial Engagement Hub .
May 2022
Professor Steve Fletcher , Director of Revolution Plastics presents to delegates in Senegal at the first UNEP meeting to develop an international , legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution . with the blueprints to engineer a faster and more efficient enzyme .”
Chief Executive of the Diamond Light Source , Professor Andrew Harrison , says the beamline is proving invaluable for tailoring the enzyme for large-scale industrial recycling processes : “ The impact of such an innovative solution on plastic waste will be global . It is fantastic that UK scientists and facilities are helping to lead the way .”
In recognition of the achievement to date , and to help drive the research further , the UK Government has recently allocated £ 5.8 million from the Research England Expanding Excellence Fund . This will further extend the capabilities of the CEI .
The government support , coupled with significant investment by the University of Portsmouth , will speed up progress towards finding biological solutions to one of the world ’ s greatest environmental challenges – plastic waste .
Universities and Science Minister Chris Skidmore said : “ Pushing the boundaries of knowledge and conquering new innovations are what our universities are known for the world over . This programme led by the University of Portsmouth will look at how enzymes can break down singleuse plastics and help cut plastics pollution .”
Professor McGeehan , who is also the Centre ’ s Director , says the facility and its researchers are now focusing on finding enzymes capable of breaking down different types of plastic and then engineering these to be fast enough to be deployed at industrial recycling facilities .
The Centre has three teams : one focused on finding new enzymes in the environment that can break down different types of plastics ; another to engineer these enzymes and systems to make them more efficient and robust ; and a third to work with industry partners to make these engineered enzymes suitable for large-scale production .
“ From David Attenborough ’ s Blue Planet II through to his latest programme , Climate Change – The Facts , we are all now increasingly aware of the urgency of tackling plastic pollution and climate change ,” he says .
“ It is of the utmost importance that the UK Government has recognised the need to fund research and innovation to take our fundamental science through to real-world industrial and environmental applications .”
The University of Portsmouth ’ s Vice-Chancellor , Professor Graham Galbraith , says the importance of the science that will help the world address “ one of the most pernicious pollutants of our age ” can ’ t be understated .
“ One of the overarching goals of our research strategy at the Centre is to focus researchers ’ minds , time and effort in addressing the most pressing problems facing the world .”