Research that builds resilience and optimism
SOLVE magazine ’ s primary purpose is to showcase research and innovation undertaken by the University of Portsmouth and the positive impact this has on people ’ s lives . We are an internationally connected university , pushing forward the frontiers of globally significant knowledge . Through this publication we seek to engage the wider community in the UK and internationally with our activities , our leading academics , and with the vision of excellence and social inclusion that guides our work .
As a university located on the shores of the Solent , we are committed to serving the needs of our local community by working on major global issues and using the opportunities and knowledge generated to benefit our city and region . In turn , the Portsmouth community ’ s related experiences in adopting innovations in areas such as health , business management and environmental programmes generate valued case studies that are exemplars for similar communities around the world .
Research , innovation and education are positive forms of connectivity between communities . Our research themes – Future and Emerging Technologies , Sustainability and the Environment , Health and Wellbeing , Security and Risk , and Democratic Citizenship – reflect the wide range of fields in which we seek to help solve society ’ s problems and build on opportunities .
The significance of our engagement in many of these areas has come into even sharper focus as we have responded to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on health , commerce , education and community morale .
This edition of SOLVE reflects some of this crucial work . It is a record of our times , revealing some of the inspiring behind-the-scenes endeavour that builds community resilience and optimism . Record-keeping during times of upheaval isn ’ t just a civic or academic function ; for many people it is a way of maintaining a sense of place and purpose . We see this exemplified in the enthusiastic response to crowdsourcing and citizen science activities such as the GB1900 gazetteer project ( page 30 ), the Galaxy Zoo astronomy programme ( page 24 ), and in the way young people creatively communicate and maintain social connections under lockdown conditions ( page 10 ).
During the long periods of lockdown many of our researchers have been on the frontline of activities that have informed mental health interventions . The benefits of this will accelerate our community ’ s recovery .
In this edition we also explore vital research into the care of our planet , from the continuing progress of our Revolution Plastics team to wildlife management and the protection of endangered species . These are just a few illustrations of the extraordinary fields of knowledge and discovery in which we work and take great pride in sharing . I am certain you will find them inspiring and motivating at a time when hope and optimism are important for all of us . Professor Graham Galbraith Vice-Chancellor University of Portsmouth
HEALTH AND WELLBEING 03 Life-saving NEWS from old health data
04 The COVID decade ’ s ‘ blank canvas ’ challenge
06 Can research ethics survive a pandemic ?
08 Has COVID cut the suits and ties that bind ?
10 A generation marked
SUSTAINABILITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT 12 Policy push for plastics action
14 The art of making change
ENQUIRIES Research and Innovation Services RIS @ port . ac . uk
18 |
Call of the wild |
20 |
Crime fighters go wild |
22 |
Saving elephants from |
the saleroom |
FUTURE AND EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES 24 Amateur sleuths muscle up the science of discovery
28 Shop ’ til you drop … your phone
30 |
The past mapped for the present |
33 |
Wanted : A VacZine for our times |
The University of Portsmouth , like all universities and research institutions , is responding decisively to the COVID-19 pandemic . We deliver a blend of online and in-person research and teaching to limit the disruption to people ’ s work and studies . As we meet this unprecedented challenge we are mindful that our responsibility to the future has never been greater . Research and education will be two crucial bulwarks as the world returns communities and economies to health with confidence .
SOLVE is printed using vegetable-based inks on paper from sustainable , renewable sources and is fully recyclable . That includes the material used to laminate the covers , which is made from plant cellulose , not plastic . All better for the planet – and that ’ s good for all of us .
University of Portsmouth Issue 03 2021
Published biannually by the University of Portsmouth , Marketing , Advancement and Communications Department , Mercantile House , Hampshire Terrace , Portsmouth , PO1 2EG , UK
ISSN 2754-7299 ( Print ) ISSN 2754-7302 ( Online )
PRODUCTION Editor in Chief : Dorothy Albrecht
Written , edited , and designed by the University of Portsmouth and Coretext ( coretext . com . au )
Copyright University of Portsmouth , all rights reserved Read articles online and find out more information at www . port . ac . uk / solve
The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to print , July 2021 . Views and opinions expressed in the magazine are those of the authors and contributors and do not necessarily represent the corporate view of the University of Portsmouth .
ISSUE 03 / 2021