Solutions to Care for an Aging Population 23-WD-SPEC-210-Aging Population-Catalog-FINAL-WEB | Page 2

How are You Prioritizing Quality for Aging Populations ?

HealthStream is proud to offer a curated list of solutions from our premier network of partners that center on advancing and retaining top talent , while decreasing readmissions and ultimately improving the quality of care for patients and residents with evidence-based education to proactively develop a synergistic team .
Bridging the Gap
The cost of mandatory professional development , coupled with current turnover and burnout rates makes staff acquisition and competency a complex and challenging endeavor . The compounding effects of an aging population , along with the Great
Resignation have exacerbated the gap in experienced healthcare workers .
The good news is the right mix of solutions can help your organization grow with competence and confidence in the care of patients , residents and clients .

82 % turnover among in senior care workers

$ 6.5 B 40 %

industry turnover costs increase in staffing needs
Sources : https :// onlabor . org / worker-retention-in-homecare-could-cooperatives-be-the-solution / https :// www . viventium . com / secrets-to-tackle-the-high-home-care-turnover-rate / https :// www . onshift . com / resources / blog / senior-care-staff-turnover-by-the-numbers-why-it-matters-to-you