• Perfectionism (you make things
harder than they have to be and take
longer “perfecting” — because it’s
never quite good enough).
a spiritual battle in our mind, swaying
our choices from wise to unwise.
• Over-responsibility (you spend time
doing for others what they could —
and should — do for themselves).
• Over-achieving (doing more than
necessary in order to gain acceptance
or accolades).
• Approval addiction (saying “yes”
to requests to avoid disappointing
• Excessive Guilt (you overcommit and
overcompensate out of guilt).
T h e s e v u l n e r a b i l i t i e s c a n h av e
tremendous influence on the choices
we make with our time and sabotage
God’s best plans for us. Our Core
Vulnerabilities can open the door to
28 • Solutions
God calls us to be wise. He wants us to
choose the meaningful over mundane
or even false urgencies which lead
to continual stress and hurry, rather
than purpose and contentment. If we
don’t, we risk spending our time on
things that seem important — only to