offended, we liberate ourselves from
bitterness, resentment, and vengeance.
Just because you’ve forgiven someone,
though, that doesn’t mean you must
continue to interact with them. Some
relationships are so harmful and toxic
that you simply must walk away and
maintain a firm boundary. Otherwise,
the person will continue to hurt you and
undermine your faith.
Show me your friends, and I’ll show you
your future. “Walk with the wise and
become wise, for a companion of fools
suffers harm” (Proverbs 13:20).
Some people are in unholy relationships,
such as cohabitating outside of
marriage or continuing to hang out with
friends who like to drink and party, yet
they wonder why they’re not growing
spiritually. The Bible says, “Do not be
misled: ‘Bad company corrupts good
character’” (1 Corinthians 15:33).
How can you know which relationships
you should leave behind? It’s simple,
really. If a relationship hinders your
relationship with God, then you need to
either redefine it or sever it.
Take the risk to initiate some meaningful
relationships in your life. Probably the
best way to practice this habit is to
build on some of the relationships and
friendships you already have, perhaps
with others from your small group, a
trusted friend in your Bible study, or a
prayer partner in your old neighborhood.
Just to be clear, I am not talking about
cutting someone off just because
they frustrate you or make your life
uncomfortable. Don’t twist this practice
into something convenient for you that
doesn’t reflect what God wants. No,
I’m talking about harmful relationships
that batter your heart, soul, mind, and
body with ongoing abuse, stress, pain,
and deception. Sometimes you may not
need to sever the relationship, but you
can at least redefine it.
Evaluating your friendships is critical
to your spiritual growth and well-being.
20 • Solutions
Pray for the right opportunity and find
time to get together in person, then
share what’s going on in your heart and
ask this person to pray for you. Invite
them to open themselves up to you in
the same way. Discuss ways you can
encourage each other throughout the
week or until you’re able to meet and
pray together again in person.
In our world of social media updates
about our latest purchase or next
vacation, letting someone into the
messiness of your life can be scary. But
I’m convinced that if you get real, you’ll