P-Positive: Think positive thoughts;
avoid negativity as much as possible.
R-Realistic: Face facts, but pray for
O-Obedient: Obey God’s directions.
O-Overcomer: Be One!
F- Faithful: Keep commitment to God &
With your stormproof suit on, whether
you are a parent, friend, or CEO, you
can definitely lead better. It’s like most
flights: the instruction given from the
galley before take-off reminds us, “Place
your mask on first, then place it on any
child traveling or seated next to you!”
begin to develop precise strategies and
the bravery to navigate through storms
that may be risky but necessary. As
previously stated, it is impossible to live
life untouched by difficulty, so the people
who learn how to adjust to the curve
balls of life are not only to be admired
and respected, but God will reward them
Another valuable lesson that leaders
must learn once suited up is that you
must allow insight to control your
eyesight. This will help you see, prepare
for, and approach storms differently. In
addition, you must also enlist the tools
and people you need (if applicable) to
assist in executing the plan.
Becoming Stormproof means that we
Debra Morton
New Orleans native Debra B. Morton is a leader, teacher,
pastor, and entrepreneur who serves alongside her
husband, Bishop Paul S. Morton, Sr., at Greater St.
Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church in New Orleans,
LA, and is the co-pastor of Changing a Generation Full
Gospel Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA. A Stellar Award
nominee and James Cleveland award winner, she has
gone on to executively produce an album and write
several songs, open a troubled teen girls home, and
help her husband to rebuild and expand a great ministry.
But of all of her many accomplishments, she takes her
greatest pride in her personal relationship with Jesus
Christ, and her roles as a wife, mother of three children
and grandmother of seven.
Solutions • 13