frustrated. Some days you feel like a
Do you struggle in your job? Your boss
had unreasonably high expectations
that you can’t live up to, so you con-
stantly feel stressed and anxious. That
kind of pressure is paralyzing. Rather
than encouraging the best that is in you,
the message is that no matter what you
do, it won’t be enough. It’s hard to rise
above that.
Are you struggling with your health?
You think back to days when life was
different, and you could do so much
more. Now you feel as if you have little
to offer.
Whatever it is that you’re facing right
now, Christ invites you to bring who you
are and what you have or don’t have to
Him in honesty and humility and wait
with Him there.
Sheila Walsh is a powerful
communicator, Bible teacher, and
bestselling author with more than
5 million books sold. She is the
author of the award-winning Gigi,
God’s Little Princess and In the
Middle of the Mess. She is cohost of
LIFE Today with James and Betty
Robison and her Wednesdays in the
Word program, with more than 100
million viewers. Walsh is a popular
speaker and Bible teacher around
the world, including New Zealand,
Australia, and Brazil. She lives in
Dallas with her husband, Barry,
their son, Christian, and their three
pups, Belle, Tink, and Maggie.
Her latest book, It’s Okay Not to
Be Okay, released nationwide
October 2, 2018.
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