trust in the Lord will lack no good thing.”
Psalm 34:10
Now, this “good thing” was going to be
taken away. Why? I remember driving
to the beach where we used to live in
Southern California and talking to my
baby. I said, “I don’t know if you heard all
that, but I just want you to know that I’m
going to fight for you. I’m going to fight
for every breath that God has ordained
you to take.”
I cried and prayed and bargained with
God. Facing the disappointment of
losing the only child I would probably be
able to have shook my faith to the core.
It’s so easy to quote verses when the
sun is shining but when the day turns
black as night, it silenced me. I had to
wrestle with the very verse I’d chosen
to underline . . . those who trust in the
Lord will lack no good thing. I thought
of friends who’d lost children, whose
marriages had fallen apart, whose
physical health was decimated. This
verse had to mean more than I wanted
it to mean. What is still standing when
everything else is gone? I found the
answer on my knees and through my
Christ my Savior. God my Father. The
Holy Spirit my comforter.
The “good thing” I wanted, I might not
get. The “good thing” that remained
was greater.
A couple of weeks before Christian was
born my doctor called to tell me that
when my results came back the results
of another forty-year-old patient came
back the same day and my results
were put in her chart and hers in mine.
There had never been anything wrong
with Christian. Before I could begin
to celebrate I suddenly realized that
another woman was getting a very
different call. I dropped to my knees
and prayed for her. Who was she? Did
she know Christ? How would she bear
this news? My doctor was not able to
tell me her name, but heaven knew
her and I lifted her up every single
day. Losing Christian was not going to
be part of my story but I meet those
who have faced tremendous loss
everywhere I go and I am profoundly
grateful that the quick and easy verses
were washed away by tears and pain
taught me how to listen.
Every time before I speak, I get down
on my knees and ask God to do what
only He can do. When I first look out
at a room of smiling faces I’ve no idea
what’s going on deep inside, but He
does and by the power of the Holy Spirit
miracles happen. In those profound
Solutions • 7