lived a life of perversion: I partied a
lot after high school. There were many
of seeds of confusion planted within
me. I suppressed a lot of my feelings,
filling it with drugs and alcohol. I found
myself in that place of depression, and
it was horrible. So, when I found out I
was depressed, I continually covered
it up with drugs and with alcohol.
One day my mom told me to come to
this concert. I promised her I would
go, but I knew it was a church event
of some kind. I got to this place, and
Eddie James was on stage singing and
preaching to all these kids, and they
had all this freedom. It was amazing!
They had something I wanted; they just
had this liberty. They were dancing,
and they didn’t care what I thought of
their dancing. They only cared what
the Lord thought of it. It was mind-
blowing to see the freedom and the
liberty. Afterward, Eddie James invited
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me to come with him, because he knew
I was in a nasty situation. He took me
under his wing, like a son. He began to
raise me up spiritually and taught me
how to pray and worship. My life would
not be the same without Eddie James
Today, Eddie travels nearly every day of
the year, ministering alongside a group
of 15 to 40 students he has personally
mentored and trained in ministry.
Millions have been impacted by this
virtual army of musicians, dancers and
singers. Moreover, together they have
produced fresh lyrics, chart-topping
songs, choreography, and Bible-based
teaching. Eddie’s latest release, the
song titled One, is a song about unity
based on the final prayer of Jesus
Christ in John 17. He received it in a