Solutions October 2018 | Page 33

The Heartbeat of Eddie James When you think about men and women who have changed the face of gospel music, one name that comes to mind is Eddie James. Eddie’s music crosses generational and cultural lines, and has spanned several decades. Millions have entered into the presence of God through his music, and churches worldwide use his songs in their worship sets. His music expresses the heart of God and the movement of the Holy Spirit. It is joyful, exuberant, uplifting…and offers hope to those who need it most. Eddie James was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ. He accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior at eight years of age and began his music ministry at age nine. Never slowing down, he launched into ministry full time after high school and served in a variety of capacities within the local church. Later on, he joined with Karen Wheaton at The Ramp to inspire students through worship and dance to deeper walks with God. He also recorded albums with The Phoenix Mass Choir and his group, ColourBlind. Since that time, he has ministered under the umbrella of Eddie James Ministries and Fresh Wine Records, creating and mentoring several music and dance groups including Ultimate Call, Scribe, and Excalibur. A passion for worship and evangelism drives Eddie to reach out to the hurt and broken – especially to those in the next generation. Students ranging from 15 to 35 years of age find his worship and teaching style meets them where they are. It calls them to break free from gang violence, drug and alcohol addictions, prostitution, suicidal thoughts, and promiscuous lifestyles. Almost daily the ministry receives praise reports of broken lives mended, the downtrodden uplifted, and those bound by addictions and Solutions • 33