Solutions October 2017 | Page 23

real work to solve big problems. Imagine that this group is deeply committed to each other and to the personal transformation of each person in the group. Now imagine that they are equally committed to the work that they have agreed to do and are committed to a set of disciplines to keep them on track. A team like that would be meaningful and effective and many of us would consider it a privilege to be a part of it. How to form an effective team. A team isn’t just a committee with a different name and saying that we are going to be a team doesn’t make us one. Effective teams share some disciplines and commitments that make them cohesive and effective. Determine your common purpose. A common purpose is an inspiring challenge that has the capability to motivate a team to high perfor- mance. If it is clear enough and compelling enough, team members will be willing to sacrifice for it and it will guide the team even when things get hard. Clearly defining a team’s primary Solutions 23