Solutions June 2018 | Page 50

miserable in their souls . And I have seen people discover tremendous freedom by finding the courage to respond to what God has called them to and put in their hearts , even though moving into their call was hard .
Have you fallen into this trap ? Are you burdened by someone else ’ s call or expectations rather than God ’ s ? What whispers in your soul have you been silencing out of fear or shame or pressure or expectation ? What would happen if you amplified rather than silenced that call and embraced it with reckless abandon ? Thomas Merton reminds us , “ Each one of us has some kind of vocation . We are all called by God to share in His life and in His Kingdom . Each one of us is called to a special place in the Kingdom . If we find that place we will be happy . If we do not find it , we can never be completely happy . For each one of us , there is only one thing necessary : to fulfill our own destiny , according to God ’ s will , to be what God wants us to be .”
Excerpted from The Burden Is Light by Jon Tyson . Copyright © 2018 by Jon Tyson . Excerpted by permission of Multnomah , an imprint of Penguin Random House LLC . All rights reserved . No part of this excerpt may be reproduced or reprinted without permission in writing from the publisher .

Jon Tyson

Jon Tyson is the author of The Burden is Light : Liberating Your Life from the Tyranny of Performance and Success ( Multnomah ) and a widely respected church planter and leader in New York City . Originally from Australia , Jon moved to the United States two decades ago with a passion to cultivate renewal in the Western Church . Jon has spoken at the Q Conference , Catalyst , and other key venues around the world . Jon ’ s preaching addresses culture and faith with a rare fusion of passion and depth . Jon lives in the Hell ’ s Kitchen neighborhood of Manhattan with his wife and two children . Visit him at churchofthecity . com and @ jontyson .
50 • Solutions