don’t work because that just isn’t
their design. We don’t see families for
what they give, but for who they are.
In the church family we don’t just see
what services or needs we can have
met, we see a family that needs our
love, sacrifice, and commitment to
be an accurate picture of the One
who bought us. In Christ, we see
the church for WHOSE we are and
to WHOM we belong. The church is
“we” not “they.” One of the most
profound truths in all of Scripture is
that in Christ, by the working of the
Holy Spirit, we are one family. We
love Christ, because He loved us first.
We love each other, because we
love Christ. Let’s continue to love our
God by loving our church family.
What words would you use to
describe your posture towards your
church family? When you think about
your church family do you see your
posture as hopeful, sacrificial, and
encouraging? Or do you more often
see a posture of cynicism, critique,
and disappointment?
Is it a struggle for you to value the
family of God in the same way we see
Christ value it in the Scriptures? How
can you imitate Christ in the ways
He moves toward the family of God,
even when it was a great cost to Him?
Today, look for ways that can help
you love your church family. Then put
them into practice. You’ll be glad
you did!
Kevin Peck is the lead pastor of The
Austin Stone Community Church
in Austin, TX. Kevin works to bring
strategic leadership, strong teams
and a passion for developing leaders
to the local church. Kevin also serves
as the Acts 29 Network Director for
Emerging Regions, helping to recruit
and train church planters throughout
Africa and Asia. Kevin received
his doctorate in leadership from
Southern Seminary. He recently co-
wrote a book with Eric Geiger called,
Designed to Lead: The Church and
Leadership Development. He is
married to Leslie, and together they
have 3 beautiful girls: Ellie, Halle, and
Solutions 9