Solutions June 2017 | Page 7

the language of family. The church is the bride of Christ; the church is the family of God; the saints are brothers and sisters; older men in the church are fathers and younger men are sons; older women are mothers and younger women are daughters. This is a language of family: a significant and unalterable relationship. You don’t see family as a means to an end. You don’t stay in your family because they do everything right and never disappoint you. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. You love your family because of their strengths and despite their weakness. You just love them…because they are yours. When Jesus saved us, He did not just save us out of sin, death and judgment. More than that, He saved us into His family and into His Kingdom. When Jesus saved you and me, He saved us into His family and saved us for life in His family. The church God has brought you to is now, through His blood, your family. You belong to your church like you belong to your earthly family. Our earthly families are bound by blood, by marriage and by adoption. Our spiritua l families are bound by the same realities! Only, in Christ, we are bound together by a more precious blood, united through a more perfect union, and brought near by His glorious adoption. Consider your earthly family for a moment. How does God wants you to think and feel about them - through the lens of love, optimism, encouragement and faith? Or, should we focus on the weakness, the failures, and the ways our own needs are being left unfulfilled? God wants us to fight to LOVE the families He has given us, both our physical family and our spiritual family (the church). I’m not saying there isn’t a time for correction or for challenge. Even in our earthly families, correction and challenge must occur in order for the family to be healthy, but the secret to a great family is having a tone of encouragement and optimism, even through those instances of faiure and correction. There are different kinds of weakness that move us toward different kinds of action. If a church is teaching contrary to Scripture, or acting in a way that is perverse or unholy, the LOVING thing to do is share concern and move toward correction, but those are NOT the kind of weaknesses I have in mind now. Most of our challenges to LOVE our churches come from weaknesses in process, execution, or even capacity. If we operate our families like service providers, they simply Most of our challenges to love our churches come from weaknesses in process, execution, or even capacity. Solutions 7