Train up a child in the way he should
go: even when he is old he will not
depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6 ESV
Finally, we made it to our seats. As
I took a calming breath, I wondered
what would be expected of me
while scuttling between my children
and my wife over the next few hours.
I love my children. I love my wife.
Instead of being thankful that we
They are blessings bestowed on me by were all on the plane and nothing
the Lord. Sometimes I’m not as thankful terrible had happened, I was stressed
as I ought to be. I take their presence
out. And my kids were still acting like
for granted. Their questions become
kids—chattering, enthusiastic cherubs,
irritating; hearing the same knock-
to be sure, but a minute of silence
knock joke over and over loses its
would have been welcomed. As I
charm. But when I’m traveling for work sat collecting my thoughts, a flight
and I’m alone in a hotel room, there’s
attendant who had been standing
nothing I wouldn’t give to have my
in the aisle walked in front of my
loud, noisy, chaotic family right there
seat and leaned toward me. Great,
with me. When I become exhausted
I thought. We haven’t taken off yet,
by the endless games of peekaboo or and already there’s trouble.
being used as a human
“I’m so happy for
chariot, I take a deep
you,” the flight attendant
breath and remember
said. “Excuse me?” I said,
that these moments are
caught completely off
precious, and one day
guard. “It’s wonderful to
these daily activities
see such a big, happy
will fade into cherished
family like yours,” he said.
“I’ve been married for
Last off-season, I
twenty years, and my wife
was reminded of how
and I have been unable
lucky I am. My whole
to have children. You are
family was traveling
to visit relatives. Since we’re such
After he walked down the aisle, my
a large group, we’ve got traveling
heart sank. I felt so sad for this man,
through airports down to a science—
and I was embarrassed that I was
my children are pros at taking off
ungrateful for even a minute that God
their backpacks and patiently
had entrusted these young lives in my
going through security checkpoints.
care. It was humbling, and it shouldn’t
However, this particular trip stood out
have taken a moment like that to
because nothing seemed to be going remind me of the blessings bestowed
right. Our flight was delayed, our seat
upon me. I think God understands that
assignments landed us in separate
I’m imperfect, and that little situation
areas of the plane, and my children
was a way to put me back on course.
were acting like . . . children. Tired,
To say that every day since that
cranky, hungry, excited children. Add
flight has been perfect would be
the rude stares and “Wow, you’ve
misleading. There have been days
got your hands full!” comments, and
when I’ve lost my cool, and others
Kirsten and I were at the limit of our
when I’ve acted so poorly that I’ve
had to ask my children for forgiveness.
Solutions 61