Apostles recognized and affirmed
the legitimacy of the claim.
Crawford: You wrote this book in such
a way that it not only will benefit
pastors but also lay people—and
even those who know little about
the Bible. Did you find it challenging
to cover such a broad base and yet
keep this book applicable to both
the Bible teacher and the casual
Bible reader?
justification by faith, substitutionary
atonement, and the principle of
imputed righteousness—has left
multitudes susceptible to all kinds of
confusion and false teaching about
the gospel.
Crawford: What do you think a church
member will take away from it?
MacArthur: In a similar way, I hope
evangelical lay people will gain a
new appreciation for the beauty
MacArthur: Challenging, yes—
and coherency of gospel truth.
but that’s an incentive, not an
We’ve fallen into a bad habit of using
impediment. It is always my aim in
misleading euphemisms and weak
teaching to give instruction that
clichés as a substitute for proclaiming
is suitable for a broad and varied
the actual gospel. The biblical
audience, including people who
message has Christ at the center.
may have no prior exposure to
He is the one who atones for sin; we
Scripture. I don’t believe pastors
do not have the means or ability to
and teachers should shy away from
eradicate our own guilt. It’s not a
difficult concepts and detailed
message about what sinners must
doctrinal instruction when they are
do for God; it is about what God has
speaking to lay people; they just
done for sinners.
need to make the principles clear
That’s why the gospel is good
and understandable. Most people
news. It does not call sinners to
are capable of learning far more
perform some good work with the
than we give them credit for.
hope of earning God’s favor. And
it is not about inviting Jesus into our
Crawford: What do you think a pastor hearts or following a list of steps. No
will take away from this book?
one gains eternal life by baptism,
church membership, walking an aisle,
MacArthur: I hope it will motivate
or reciting a prayer. God saves his
pastors with fresh zeal for proclaiming people by grace alone through faith
the gospel clearly, accurately, and
alone in Christ alone.
fearlessly. There’s a tendency even
The gospel does call sinners to
in evangelical churches to deal
turn from sin and embrace Christ with
superficially with gospel truths—or
true and living faith. But genuine,
worse, to take the gospel for granted repentant faith is not a “work,” and
and assume all the people in our
there’s nothing meritorious about it. It
churches have a full understanding
is a confession of our utter inability to
of all its principles. I know for a
redeem ourselves, and an expression
fact that’s not the case. In fact,
of trust in Christ, who promises that He
a widespread, long-term neglect
will save those who come to Him. The
of core gospel doctrines—such as
fruit of His salvation, and the proof
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