Once , while the Hebrews were wandering in this wilderness under Moses , they came to their leader demanding water . Since it looked like they were going to die of thirst , they questioned whether God was even with them . It was sort of a dark night of the soul that the whole community participated in . They asked , “ Is the Lord among us or not ?” God miraculously provided water by having Moses strike a rock with his staff . After that , the people quieted down .
Later , though , a similar situation occurred where the people quarreled with Moses . “ There is no water to drink !” they lamented . Moses got mad . And this time , it was Moses who got in trouble . Again , he struck the rock and got water out of it , but God accused Moses of not having faith in him . We ’ re not sure what exactly Moses did wrong . Maybe the problem was that Moses struck the rock twice , because once should have been enough if he really trusted God . Some have drawn
conclusions on the more elaborate implications of the rock as a type of Christ , who was struck once for our sins .
Whatever the hidden meaning of Moses ’ s failure might be , we need to recognize that the New Testament applies these events to Christians . Referring to the ancient Israelites , it says , “ They drank from the spiritual rock that accompanied them , and that rock was Christ .” The water that the Israelites drank was a form of deliverance for them , and all deliverance ultimately comes from the Savior of the world , Jesus Christ . He is still the miraculous rock of grace and salvation for us today . He is the source that satisfies our thirst . And this is the point I want you to remember when the distress in your life becomes so great that you find yourself in desperation mode : We have to go to the right source of water for our thirst . We have to go to Jesus for help .
Some of the Israelites in the Sinai desert were faithful to God , their
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