If J
By Randy Newman
It’s been over a decade
since I first wrote
Questioning Evangelism,
which included a
chapter with the same
title as this article. It was
the most difficult chapter
of the book for me to
write (with the possible
exception of the chapter
on compassion that I
gave the provocative
subtitle: “What if I don’t
care that my neighbor is
going to hell?”).
Christians have always
faced the charge of
being called hypocrites.
But it seems that the
accusation is increasing
in both its frequency
and its intensity in recent
days. Sadly, there has
always been some basis
for the complaint by
non-Christians. There are
hypocrites in the church,
and they do give the
gospel bad press. And
their number does not
appear to be dwindling.
So, the challenge for
Christians remains: How
do we respond when
people ask, “Why are
there so many hypocrites
in the church?” What do
we say if they use more
why are some of His followers such JERKS?
22 Solutions