Solutions February 2018 | Page 20

wicked, for the evildoer has no future hope, and the lamp of the wicked will be snuffed out. (Proverbs 23:17–18; 24:19–20) The antidote to envy. Envy stems from two preoccupations. First, we are obsessed with what we deserve. Our hearts refuse to remember grace and instead think only of what we have earned. Second, we are preoccupied with the present. The solution is to look up to the Lord (23:17b) and look ahead in hope (23:18). That is, we should realize that our true reward is based on God’s grace. Also we should remember that in the end, believers will not lack anything (Psalm 17:15). Christians have a way of “looking up” that Proverbs could not provide. Jesus did not complain about experiencing death when 20 Solutions he deserved l ife—all so we could have life when we deserved death. Jesus was the most unenvious human being who ever lived. When you realize what he did for you, it will begin to erode your envy. If he didn’t complain when he received a life infinitely worse than he deserved, w hy should we complain when all of us get a life infinitely better than we deserve? Can you see how much less you enjoy life because you think so much about what you deserve? How can you use the gospel—the example of Jesus—to help you stop that? Pray this prayer with me: Lord, I confess I envy other people’s bodies, bank accounts, relationships, and many other things. I keep this envy a secret, even from myself, because it is so embarrassing. But it