Solutions February 2017 | Page 29

of life . Kids get sick , cars won ’ t start , weather and schedules change . If we ’ re living without margin , the smallest divergence can throw off our plans and cause us to feel completely overwhelmed . Ever had thoughts like this : “ Since they changed soccer practice it conflicts with Susie ’ s dance — and that is my day to drive to carpool ”? Or “ Oh no ! That car repair just ate up my grocery money ! Now what ?”
Without margin in our schedules and finances , it doesn ’ t take much to put us in a state of emergency . I have found myself in a panic when I have taken on too many ministry responsibilities , signed up my children for too many activities , or failed to set boundaries in relationships with needy people . Before I know it my calendar is filled , and I have little room to breathe between the things I must do .
Another downfall of lacking margin is the lost opportunity for spontaneity . If a neighbor needs help , someone is giving away free tickets to a special event , or the kids want us to throw a ball in the back yard , we can ’ t take the time because our calendar demands we keep rushing so we don ’ t let someone down .
When we ’ ve built margin into our lives , we reap many benefits . We get to have an over-the-fence conversation with a neighbor , which leads to an opportunity to share what Jesus is doing in our lives . When the kids want to have a pillow fight , we can let our guard down knowing these days of play with them are numbered .
Above all else , margin helps us learn to rest . As we ’ ve seen , rest is a concept near God ’ s heart . He wants us to embrace relaxation and regularly engage in it . In Isaiah 30:15 God reprimands the people of Israel for failing to do this :
This is what the Sovereign Lord , the Holy One of Israel , says :“ Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved . In quietness and confidence is your strength . But you would have none of it .”
He doesn ’ t want us to spend all our time hurrying , filling every empty space on the calendar with activity . He says we ’ ll find strength in quietness . Where does that quietness fit in between everyday tasks such as running errands , going to doctor ’ s appointments , meal planning , and kids ’ team practices and the other things we add to our schedules such as community involvement , committee meetings , church activities , and ministry or service opportunities ? In order to experience rest , we need to evaluate the frenetic pace of our lives .
• Why are we filling our calendars ?
• Are we asking the Holy Spirit to guide us about what we choose to commit to with our time ?
• What could we cut out to have more time for personal reflection , creativity , and some unhurried family dinners ?
I ’ m tempted by all the good things there are to do . I struggle to start at the red line and leave margin for the unexpected things God wants me to encounter along the way . This year as forms come home from school , volunteer signups are passed around , and people ask for our time , we need Holy Spirit help to know when to say no in order to say yes to margin and God ’ s rest in our lives .
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Melissa Spoelstra is a popular women ’ s conference speaker , Bible teacher , and writer who is madly in love with Jesus and addicted to the study of His Word . Her passion is helping other women to seek Christ and know Him more intimately through serious Bible study , attentiveness to the Holy Spirit , and a tenacious dependence on God at all times , even through the storms of life . She lives in Dublin , Ohio , with her pastor husband and four kids . Find her on Twitter @ melspoelstra and Instagram @ daring2hope , and follow her blog at MelissaSpoelstra . com .
Taken from : Total Family Makeover . Copyright © 2016 by Melissa Spoelstra . Published by
Abingdon Press .
SMG Solutions 29