Solutions December 2019 | Page 38

But in reality most of the dragons we face are not the type that exist outside of us. Most of the dragons that threaten us are ones we have incubated, nurtured, and raised in our own hearts. Lust, pride, greed, selfishness in all its forms, hatred, the abandonment of responsibility, lack of self-discipline––these are the kind of dragons that usually destroy us. And in fact it is these “small” internal dragons that become the huge external ones mentioned earlier. Take abortion, for example––a dragon of genocide that has claimed hundreds of millions of innocent human lives. At its core this boils down to a decision to worship at the altar of convenience. It is part of the zeitgeist of a generation that has little value for life and a supreme love of pleasure. tears of feeding and coddling. This is the reason Jesus was so radical when He said, “If your hand or your foot causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away” (Matt. 18:8–9). Jesus was trying to express how brutal our attitude toward sin ought to be. It is not a side issue. It is not insignificant. Sin can destroy our lives, both in this world and in eternity. Not only that but it can also destroy the lives of those around us. If we could get the right perspective on sin, I believe we would become absolutely ruthless in our intolerance of it. How do you kill your pet dragon? Whether it has grown into a murderous man-eating serpent like Tiny, or it is still the size of a kitten, the way Billy Bixbee’s dragon started, here are a few words of wisdom that can give you victory over your pet dragons. Get It Young. The easiest way to kill a dragon is obviously to smash it while it is still inside its egg. If you can kill it in its gestation period, you will never have to battle a monster. Bit things start small. Big addictions come from simple curiosities. Big sins grow from small seeds. If you can be honest with yourself, you will often realize what is going on. When you realize you are coddling a monster in the making, kill it quickly! Show No Mercy; Take No Prisoners. Things like this don’t grow overnight. They are often the product of many 38 • Solutions PREORDER NOW! Admit It Exists. This is actually a biblical principle. James 5:16 says, “Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Why should we confess our sins to one another? Because when we walk in accountability, we are able to receive help and grace from other people. Without this transparency, our sin stays in the dark. This is where little dragons grow into big ones. But when we bring these monsters out into the light,