3 Signs Your Ministry
is Ready for a Rebirth
By Tim Lucas
Every year in America, more than 3,500
churches close their doors. I’m sure
you can think of some in your area
that already have. Many declining
congregations are left with no choice
but to sell their facility and often times,
see the space repurposed as condos,
offices, or a strip mall. What a huge loss
for the kingdom! Let me offer a hopeful
alternative - a rebirth.
a win-win for Christ’s kingdom.
Maybe you’re reading this and can
acknowledge that your church is no
longer in its heyday, but is it time to
consider a rebirth? Let’s examine 3 signs
that your ministry may be ready for a
new beginning. Continue reading with a
spirit of courage and honesty, because
that’s what it takes to recognize that
change is needed. You may be ready for
A rebirth is what happens when a a rebirth if:
struggling or dying church gets a second
life. This can occur when it’s restarted #1) You’re Preaching to the Choir
under the guidance and support of a
stronger, vibrant, and typically larger When you’re preaching to the choir
church. Older congregations that have (or already converted) each Sunday, it
assets (but lack people and momentum) means you’re no longer reaching the
have the opportunity to team up with lost. Most churches are born out of
younger congregations that have people an energetic gospel movement with a
and momentum (but lack assets). When laser focus for winning the lost. But
they link arms and merge ministries, it’s over time, the focus subtly shifts from
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