Solutions December 2018 | Page 50

I understand. Let’s face it, we all look at Gandalf, and say, “Well, it was easy for him. That’s who he was.” And it’s true, Gandalf was as well-equipped for this battle as possible. Also, his enemy was unmistakable—nobody would look at a Balrog and wonder if it was an enemy or not! one flings “fiery darts” at us daily, to knock us off balance, or over the precipice. He does everything in his tremendous power to prevent us from achieving our eternal destination. Each day you must ask yourself, as you lean on the strength of God: “Am I going to overcome and work toward Our journey is different. We don’t always my goals? Or am I going to give up and have a clear purpose or destination. Our fail?” enemies are often well-disguised. And we don’t live in a fictional place called Every morning, as your brain pulls itself Middle Earth, surrounded by beings from sleep and into the waking world, with superhuman strength and ability. you make decisions. How will you start your day? How will you speak to and Or do we? treat your spouse, your child, your colleague, the stranger next to you? I believe our world is very much a kind Will you take steps to care for yourself, of “middle earth”—midway between or will you give in to the rush of life and Creation and Re-creation. neglect your own needs? We all face great challenges. The evil And when you’re attacked in a way that Learn How You Can “Be An Overcomer.” Watch this video. 50 • Solutions