Solutions December 2018 | Page 40

hands. Back then I would dash out, unsure of what I would find but certain that it was worth finding. This morning, so many years later, I remembered that feeling. I remembered the eager anticipation that once defined my heart. I remembered answering the invitation to live expectantly with an affirmative. To live without fear. I chose that then, and this very morning I had the opportunity to choose it again. I’d had the opportunity to choose it in the middle of this past night, and I am going to have a hundred opportunities to choose it today. I pray to choose it. I pray that I will allow the memory to have its way with my heart. I pray to become that hope-filled, expectant-of-good child again, and for the crisp morning air to have its way with me. For God to use it to cleanse me of cynicism, doubt, and fear. I do not know what today will hold, but the fresh fragrance that enveloped me at the front door reminded me that I could be a woman of faith who welcomes it. So I will bundle up and take my joy-filled, always-expectant, and ready-for-a- romp-in-the-snow dogs for a walk. Yes. I will do that. I will choose to be like them and hold dear the little girl I once was. I’m not going to spend my day running from the realities of my life. I am going to live it open-handedly with an eye out for the good that is coming my way today, letting it deepen my hunger. Hunger is not my enemy. “ My soul was filled with expectancy all those mornings so long ago. I did not know what the days held, but I reached out to them boldly with mittened hands. 40 • Solutions