Solutions December 2018 | Page 35
denomination or tradition, or among
believers of a certain eschatological
v i e w. I t n e e d n’ t b e c o n f i n e d t o
Christians from megachurches or mini
churches, or to those who speak in
tongues or those who don’t. It needn’t
be the experience of just the hipsters
or the oldsters, or just those who
dunk or those who sprinkle. It will be
where and when and with whom God
chooses. It will be a beautiful mess—
and let’s just pray that it happens
again. Soon. It could be something
we might call “mere revival.” In the
same sense, is this not a good time for
believers in churches and fellowships
all over America to pray earnestly for
something big, something essential,
something on which we all agree,
something we might just call “mere
If He grants this yearning, extra-
ordinary things will happen... but
we do not pray for revival for its
consequences, exciting as they are.
We pray for revival today as a means
for the extended glory of God, now
and in eternity to come. We pray that
more and more people might come to
know the One who made them, loves
them, died to pay the just penalty for
their sin, and rose from the dead so
that those who believe in Him might
one day also rise to give glory to Him
around His throne, to revel in His love
and enjoy Him forever.
Adapted from Jesus Revolution: How God Transformed
an Unlikely Generation and How He Can Do It Again
Today. © 2018 by Greg Laurie and Ellen Vaughn. Used
by permission of Baker Books, a division of Baker
Publishing Group (
Greg Laurie is senior pastor of
Harvest Christian Fellowship, with
campuses in California and Hawaii.
He began his pastoral ministry
at the age of 19, leading a Bible
study of 30 people. Today, Harvest
is one of the largest churches in
America. More than 5.6 million
people have attended Laurie’s
Harvest Crusades since 1990, and
more than 500,000 people have
registered professions of faith
through these outreaches. Laurie
is the author of more than 70 books
and his daily nationally syndicated
radio program, A New Beginning,
is broadcast on more than 1,000
radio outlets around the world.
He and his wife, Cathe, have been
married for over 40 years and have
two sons and five grandchildren.
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