Sitting Down with
Jack Countryman
By Kelinda Crawford
General Editor Kelinda Crawford
spent some time getting to know
the ECPA’s Jordan Lifetime Award
Winner, Jack Countryman. Here is
their conversation.
Kelinda: Jack, when did you first
decide to write Christian-focused gift
books? When did the concept come
to mind?
Jack: It was in 1981 when I was in a
meeting with Roger McDuff, a gospel
singer. He presented to me a promise
book by Rex Humbard. After I looked
through the book, I was inspired and
wanted to produce a promise book
that I felt would truly meet the needs
of people. Thus was born the idea for
God’s Promises for Your Every Need.
We worked on the project that year
and we self-published the book in
January of 1982.
K e l i n d a : Yo u ’ v e b e e n w r i t i n g
inspirational gift books for well over
30 years now. What inspires you to
keep writing these books?
Jack: As I explore the Bible, I keep
finding that God has the answer to
everything. Seek it and you will find
it. We started expanding the God’s
Promises brand to God’s Answers
for Life, God’s Gift for Mothers, God’s
Promises for Fathers, and found that
people were really interest in what
God had to say to give them direction
in their lives. It is amazing how 40
books later God still inspires me to
keep developing books that will touch
lives and change lives for His glory.
Kelinda: You were recognized in 2014
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