By Marty Machowski
forgive one another, and our relationships
are restored (Ephesians 4:32).
The gospel is our hope that our children
will no longer live for themselves, and
it is our children’s hope that God will
do the same for us. We will extend the
same forgiveness to others that God
has extended to us. The result is that
our hearts turn toward our children and
their hearts turn toward us. Sin creates
division, while the gospel promotes
reconciliation. Sin fosters selfishness;
the gospel propagates grace. Sin brings
demandingness; the gospel, servanthood.
If there is a lack of reconciliation, grace,
and servanthood in your home, there is
good news for you in the gospel. The wait
for the one who can turn the hearts of
the children back to their parents is over.
Jesus has come! Let the gospel first work
in your heart toward your children, then
patiently wait for God to transform their
hearts to respond.
Real Life
Jim and Barb followed the biblical course
laid out for parenting their children,
training them up in the way they should
go. They trusted that if they discipled
their children in the things of the Lord, all
would be well. They expected trials but
were unprepared for the abject rebellion
of their second-born daughter Cathleen.
Looking back, they not only see the hand
of God at work in their daughter, they also
see how God taught them to depend on
him rather than trust in faithful parenting
to save their daughter.
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