Solutions December 2017 | Page 13

In your book , Whisper , you speak about the Whispering Spot in the Capitol Building in Washington , D . C . For those who do not know what this is , would you explain it briefly ?
Mark : During a tour of the Capitol more than two decades ago , our guide showed a very unique place known as the whispering spot . He stood on one side of Statuary Hall while our tour group stood on the other side . Then he spoke in a whisper , and we could mysteriously and miraculously hear the echo of his voice all the way across the room as if he were mere inches away . A few tall tales have been told over the years , such as the story of John Quincy Adams pretending to be asleep at his desk while eaves-dropping on political opponents . Those stories can ’ t be corroborated , but the physics can . The circular walls and domed ceiling of Statuary Hall allow whispering waves to travel the circumference of the room in unusual ways .
You liken listening to God ’ s voice to finding that “ Whispering Spot ” in our own lives . Would you list a few ways we can create our own “ Whispering Spots ?”
Mark : God can show up anywhere , anytime . So let ’ s not limit God to a “ spot .” That said , there are places where I seem to hear God more clearly , more consistently . I ’ ve had a few whispering spots over the years , but my current spot is the rooftop of Ebenezers , our coffeehouse on Capitol Hill . Ebenezers was once a whisper . Twenty years ago I was walking by a rundown , dilapidated building and I heard that still small voice : this crackhouse would make a great coffeehouse . Ebenezers has served a million customers and given a million dollars to kingdom profits , but it was once a whisper . To me , Ebenezers is a whispering spot that happens to serve coffee ! So I go up on the rooftop when I really want to hear God ’ s voice . I get good reception up there !
Mark Batterson shares how you can find God ’ s whisper in the midst of your busy life .
Solutions 13