What if Jesus came to your church
and preached? And what if you
could survey the audience during
His sermon to discover how well
those who heard Him understood
what He said? What if you could
discover what percentage of
your church understands what
Jesus said about His identity
or about salvation and the cost
of discipleship? What about His
teaching on relationships or His
return to rule and reign? Imagine
what you would discover and how
those results would change your
ministry priorities to make your
church more fruitful!
Over the past 20 years I’ve visited
more than 1,000 churches of
various denominations presenting
the words of the Bible dramatically.
Lately it doesn’t matter if I’m
performing Genesis, Daniel,
John’s Gospel, Acts, or Revelation,
someone always comes up to me
afterwards and says something
like “That was a great speech!” and
I gently remind them that it was
the “Bible” that I was quoting (not
something I wrote). Sadly, many
people sitting in church today have
never heard these words before!
But the church’s greatest need
today isn’t “biblical literacy.” I
believe it’s more specifically “Jesus
literacy” that we need. Since we’ve
already been given the gift of God
Himself, we desperately need
spiritual information for wisdom,
discernment, encouragement,
and fruitfulness. We need the very
words and teaching of Jesus. Jesus
“If you remain in me and
my words remain in you,
a s k w h a t eve r yo u w i s h ,
and it will be given you.
This is to my Father’s glory,
that you bear much fruit,
showing yourselves to be my
John 15:7-8
As followers of Jesus, more than
anything, we need to hear the
words of Jesus. No one was better
at using words to discern where
people are spiritually than Jesus.
His words are the ultimate test of
our true spiritual state.
My latest live dramatic scripture-
only presentation was developed
to meet this need. It’s called
Jesus: In His Own Words. It
enables audiences to experience
in a powerful and unforgettable
way what it was like to hear
of Jesus, more than
anything, we need to
hear the words of Jesus.
Solutions • 23