Solutions August 2018 | Page 7

Scripture, and it’s a clue to the identity and nature of God. He was revealing an important part of who He is—a God who loves His people and who is pledging to keep them from dis-ease. God is the healer who can lead you through a bad situation and into a land flowing with milk and honey. God did it for the nation of Israel, and He does it in the life of anyone who commits to living for Him. The wilderness is school, a season when God is molding you, shaping you, and preparing you for what He is bringing you to. There is a purpose for the trek through the wilderness. You cannot step into the bountiful land He has prepared for you without having gone through the wilderness, because without the wilderness you won’t be ready for the land. This process takes time. We want God to turn our circumstances around quickly. We want God to take us from no place to the best place. When your wilderness experience hits, you might wonder if you’re good enough, if you’re headed in the right direction, and if you have the strength and resolve to endure. We want God to make the situation perfect and easy overnight, but God doesn’t work like that. Tests and trials in a wilderness season means God is shaping you and molding you for what lies ahead. Nothing is wrong—you’re just going through your wilderness season. This jaunt into the wilderness was not a mistake on God’s part for the people of Israel. There was no miscalculation in the navigation system. God was deliberately leading them into the wilderness because He knew His beloved people needed challenging new experiences in order to grow and mature and really get to know Him. Trials have a way of revealing the contents of the human heart. The people of Israel’s reaction to their test at Marah clearly revealed the condition of their hearts. As soon as they ran into a problem, they began to complain instead of trust God. Instead of asking, “How is God going to do this?” the question was, “What are we going to drink?” Because He cares, God allows us to come to places of testing to see if we will trust Him. Based on previous miracles, we should! The people of Israel had experienced incredible miracles of deliverance a few days prior, but somehow their trust in God had already faded. Yet they were traveling under the leadership of a God who loved them, who was watching over them and taking care of them, and who was their healer. “Do not worry about your life, what you Solutions • 7