Solutions August 2018 | Page 38

The Peak. Now 50 years later we’re commemorating this mountain of ministry that some may say has been summited. Some may say, “congratulations, you’ve reached the top!” Over 200,000 children and their families are being reached internationally through Metro Sunday Schools across the globe. Child sponsorship programs, clean water t a n k s , m o b i l e fe e d i n g k i t c h e n s , summer camps, back to school projects, Operation Holiday Hope and various other initiatives that are impacting so many people’s lives. But what do you do when you’ve blown past every goal you’ve ever set and reached more people than you’ve ever thought imaginable? What do you do when it seems you’ve reached the ‘peak’? 38 • Solutions Strangely enough, perhaps the peak is actually the place of the greatest challenge, because the peak is where you’re confronted with a difficult choice. Do you sit back and bask in the satisfaction of having accomplished so much? The temptation to do so is undoubtedly there. Or do you, like Pastor Bill, believe that reaching the peak isn’t actually about “reaching the peak” at all. The peak only serves to place you in a position of greater perspective and responsibility. The Perspective. At the peak it’s no longer a head down, eyes forward, just put one foot in front of the other climb to the top. At the peak your head is up and your eyes are looking out. At the same time, you feel both the immeasurable gratitude to have made