which would be recited millions of times
down through the ages, and to hear it in
Mary’s songlike voice for the very first
time in human history.
My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit
rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been
mindful of the humble state of his servant.
From now on all generations will call me
blessed, for the Mighty One has done
great things for me—holy is his name. His
mercy extends to those who fear him, from
generation to generation. He has performed
mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered
those who are proud in their inmost
thoughts. He has brought down rulers from
their thrones but has lifted up the humble.
He has filled the hungry with good things
but has sent the rich away empty. He has
helped his servant Israel, remembering to be
merciful to Abraham and his descendants
forever, just as he promised our ancestors.
(Luke 1:46–55)
The Creator of all creation was implanted
as an embryo in the womb of one of His
creatures. The most important human life
ever conceived was growing inside her.
The most important time in history had
just begun. The long-promised Messiah
would soon be born—and she would be
His mother!
How could she not sing? How could she
not pray? How could she not praise God
for the honor He had given her?
When I think of this teenage girl and the
awesome honor and responsibility that
was bestowed on her and the humility and
joy with which she received it, I can’t help
thinking about teenagers today. I know
so many Christian teenagers who are
committed to living for Christ, who often
must take bold and courageous stands
against bullying peers, anti-Christian
school officials, a hostile post-Christian
culture, and the entertainment media
that seeks to break down their faith and
I also think about non-Christian teens
growing up in a world that seeks to destroy
them. They are immersed in a corrosive
cultural philosophy that says they are
nothing but evolved animals in a godless
and unfeeling universe driven solely by
hormones, instincts, and passions. My
heart breaks for teenagers who have never
heard the good news of Jesus Christ.
Mary composed these words out of a
heart full of gratitude. God had chosen
to bless her among all women by placing
in her womb the baby who would become
the Savior of the world. The mystery of
the incarnation was growing inside her.
16 • Solutions
The virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus,
expresses a pure and godly sense of self-
worth, self-esteem, and self-love in the
Magnificat. I wish every young person in
the world could read or hear her words,
learn from her example, and know what
it means to be truly loved and blessed by
God. I wish they could know that the Son