Solutions August 2017 | Page 7

of us are angry we got pulled over and try to talk a cop into letting us off the hook for speeding. And we often come up with some real doozies for why we shouldn’t get the tickets we so richly deserve. Unfortunately, we can be that way with God. We make excuses for why we sin so that God won’t discipline us when we do. And sometimes we go even farther off the rails by feeling bitter and resentful when God finally gives us “tickets.” We need to think twice about being that way toward God, as He is only trying to help us grow and make the world a safer place to live in when He disciplines us for messing up. Our response to God’s discipline, strangely enough, should be to thank Him, given that it is an expression of His love and goodness (Prov. 3:11–12). us with an incentive to obey Him. If we are wise, we don’t want to bring bad things on ourselves by disobeying Him. Only a fool would purposely incur the wrath of God by being disobedient. Truly wise people obey God so they not only avoid His wrath but also bring about His blessings. God’s Wrath Expresses Itself in Three Primary Ways If you study the way God interacts with people in the Bible who sinned, you can make a case that there are three basic ways God expresses His wrath. First, God’s wrath is expressed by allowing natural consequences to come your way. If you have a lead foot as a driver, God will express His righteous anger about your breaking the speed limit by letting you receive God’s Wrath Is an Incentive an expensive ticket. If that is enough for Us to Live Holy Lives to get your attention and lead you God expresses His wrath to try to to slow down, that is as far as God’s spur us to live holy and righteous lives. wrath will go on the matter. Can you imagine what we would be Second, God’s wrath is expressed like as motorists if cops didn’t patrol in that “the Lord disciplines the one the highways? Would very many of us he loves” (Heb. 12:6). The following is obey the speed limit? I don’t think so. an imperfect analogy, but if you get Police officers who set up radar traps ten speeding tickets in a short span of are giving us an incentive to drive in time, the police will discipline you by a more “holy” manner. We ought to taking away your license so you can’t thank them for that, not curse them. drive. God is that way as well. If the God is that way as well. God’s natural consequences of a sin were wrath is not His being a sadist who not enough to get you to repent, loves to inflict pain; it is His providing God will bring some form of painful Solutions 7