56 Solutions
Kelinda: Hannah, thank
you for meeting with me
today. For someone who
never aspired to become
a singer, you’ve certainly
come a long way! When
you think about your life,
what word or scripture
comes to mind?
Hannah: My favorite
verse is Isaiah 12:2 and
it says, “Surely God is
my salvation I will trust
and not be afraid. The
Lord, the Lord himself,
is my strength and my
defense he has become
my salvation.” When I
think about my journey, I
immediately think of how
much I have relied on the
Lord for all of the things
that verse talks about.
He has been my strength
when I’ve been too weak,
He’s been my defense
when I feel alone, and
He’s been my courage
when I’ve been afraid.
And at the end of the
day, the Good News of
the gospel is that Jesus is
our salvation, and that’s
the reason why I’ve been
able to go on this journey
in the first place.