Solutions August 2017 | Page 48

same is possible for you, my friend, by choosing to be positive, no matter what. We can’t change our circumstances or control the situations and people in our lives, and God may not change them right away either, no matter how much we pray about them. But what we can do is stop obsessing over what we can’t change, start focusing on what we can, and let God handle the rest. We can change our hearts. We can surrender our fears. We can trust God has a plan that we can’t possibly see right now – a plan to help us prosper, have hope and a beautiful future. We can believe He has a purpose for the things that happen in life, and He will somehow use it for our good. We can ask for God’s peace, instead of letting negativity, pessimism and worry become a toxic illness in our hearts, minds and lives. We can ask for Him to let us feel His Presence so we know we’re not alone. We can ask for spiritual eyes to see when He is blessing us in little and big ways, and we can always ask for a thankful heart. There’s a lot we can’t control, but what we can control is our thoughts, which in turn controls our emotions and actions. Loving God in the hard times is not always easy, but it always worth the effort. Once you begin 48 Solutions making these tips a part of your everyday life, you will be on the cusp of experiencing a true mind over matter transformation. When you change the way you think, your life will take a turn for the better. Tracie Miles is passionate about inspiring women to deepen their relationship with Christ and live a life of joy, peace and happiness despite their circumstances. She is a speaker and writer with Proverbs 31 Ministries and enjoys sharing at women’s events around the country. She is the author of three books, including her latest release Unsinkable Faith: God-Filled Strategies to Transform the Way You Think, Feel, and Live.